Hello Boyuan,

Am Samstag, dem 11.06.2022 um 09:10 -0400 schrieb Boyuan Yang:

> After looking into the package you maintain (wget2, 
> https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/wget2), I found that this package
> received no maintainer updates in the past 4 years and missed several
> upstream
> releases. The request of making new uploads
> at https://bugs.debian.org/951354
> was not solved as well. As a result, I am filing an ITS (Intent to
> Salvage)
> request against your package according to section 5.12 in Debian's
> Developers'
> Reference [1].
> My current plan is to package the latest upstream release (2.0.1) and
> clean up existing bugs.
> Please let me know whether you are still willing to maintain this
> package. According to the criteria listed at [2], I will upload a
> Non-maintainer Upload (NMU) of this package onto DELAYED/7 after 21
> days (July 02, 2022) to continue with the package salvaging. If you
> find it necessary to pause the ITS process, please let me know
> immediately by replying this bug report.

Thank you for your email.
I will be able to work on the package in July (Debconf22) but you are
welcome to do a NMU before.:) A DELAYED/2 will be fine for me.

Thank you for your help and work.

Noël Köthe <noel debian.org>
Debian GNU/Linux, www.debian.org

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