On Jun 26, 2022, at 5:43 AM, Sergio Gelato <sergio.gel...@astro.su.se> wrote:
>> Huh. Well, xscreensaver-systemd calls XOpenDisplay specifically to make this 
>> happen
> I see that there is code to that effect in version 6.04 (it seems to have 
> first appeared in 6.00, although I see no mention of it on the What's New 
> page), but (as indicated on the Version: line) this bug report is against the 
> version in Debian stable (5.45). I take it that you would suggest backporting 
> a newer version (6.02 is in Debian testing) or cherry-picking the change?

Oh, for fuck's sake, this is why I have, for years now, requested that Debian 
simply *stop shipping XScreenSaver*. I am so sick to death of this continuous 
bullshit of "well, there's a bug in your software from two years and six 
releases ago."

To Debian as a whole, please, I beg of you, stop wasting my fucking time with 
this bullshit.

To Sergio: before you submit a bug report in anything, UPGRADE. Not to the 
version that some slacking upstream asshat has made easily available to you, 


Jamie Zawinski • jwz.org • dnalounge.com

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