Control: tags -1 moreinfo

On 2022-06-28 00:28:04 +0200, Jochen Sprickerhof wrote:
> Package:
> Severity: normal
> User:
> Usertags: transition
> Hi release team,
> I would like to transition the new opencv version, containing a fix for
> building with ffmpeg 5.0 (#1004718).

This version however fails to build on mipsel:

Please remove the moreinfo tag once this issue is fixed.


> The autogenerated ben tracker looks
> fine and I've successfully rebuild all reverse dependencies listed on it
> except:
> already ftbfs due to other changes:
> digikam #1004769
> openimageio #1012176
> os-autoinst #1013533
> pytorch #1004782
> newly filled:
> sight #1013903
> Cheers Jochen

Sebastian Ramacher

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