On Tue, 04 Sep 2018 11:52:07 +0200 Mehdi Dogguy <me...@dogguy.org> wrote:
> Package: wnpp
> Severity: normal
> Hi all,
> Frama-c is a great tool to perform static analysis on source code
> written in C
> (... write your own analysis plugins and many other neat features). But
> it
> requires time to maintain it properly. I do not have that time anymore
> and I
> do not use Frama-c any longer.
> Time permitting, I will continue to upload new releases and fix
> outstanding bugs
> but certainly not in sync with frama-c's release cycle. I am willing to
> mentor
> people familiar with OCaml and willing to maintain Frama-c in the
> future.


I'm not familiar with OCaml but I'm interested in help.



> --
> Mehdi

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