
Cool, I'll review your previous packaging, it will be a pleasure.
You can be sure it will help and I thank you for your help.

Initially what caught my attention was that it was a Python package.
Currently I have focused my studies on this language and I have been
looking to package programs along this line. However we are currently
deploying a queue service in the company and we are between Kafka and
RabbitMQ so I merged those two things.

One question, are you interested in being my Sponsor in this package? If
it's a problem, ignore it.


On 22/07/12 05:35, Andrius Merkys wrote:
> Hi Guilherme,
> On 2022-07-12 17:21, Guilherme de Paula Xavier Segundo wrote:
> > Thank you for your contact.
> > I started kiwipy packaging. But it's okay to give you the ITP.
> > 
> > Do you want me to give you the ITP?
> > 
> > If not, I will follow the packaging and keep the package on the team. At
> > the moment I'm not part of the team yet, but I'm waiting for approval.
> No, I am fine with you having it. I did not notice RFP -> ITP transition, so
> I decided to update and push my local attempt to package kiwipy. Feel free
> to reuse anything, rewrite (once you are in the team) or ignore if you want.
> Just out of curiosity, what caught your interest to kiwipy/plumpy?
> Best,
> Andrius

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