
On Fri, 8 Jul 2022 11:36:51 +0200 Raphael Hertzog <raph...@freexian.com>

> On Wed, 06 Jul 2022, Bernhard Schmidt wrote:
> > > As such I really believe that this git snapshot should have stayed in
> > > experimental. Why was it uploaded to unstable before its upstream
> > > release?
> >
> > I respectfully disagree. This is what unstable/testing is for. 2.6
is to be
> > released really soon, it contains breaking changes which we need to
iron out
> > / document with both upstream and Debian packaging. This can't wait
> > the last minute before the freeze. The 2.6 upload was influenced by
> > 3.0, but this was definitely not the only reason to do this.

The current snapshot actually is missing one important commit to better
support OpenSSL 3:


This is a recommendation from one of the upstream developers here:


Could we try at least to get a newer snapshot which includes the
mentioned upstream commit?

Another thing worrying this upstream maintainer was the fact that we
seem to have experimental OpenVPN dco code which has been constantly


> If you were aware of regressions to iron out, it would have made sense to
> file an RC bug to avoid the migration to testing until it has matured in
> unstable.
> I understand it's always a trade off and that not all Debian developers
> put the bar at the same level, but keeping testing "constantly usable"
> has been something of a goal for a long time.

I do not see the current version as unusable but a version with
important breaking changes, and those will hit users at some point.

> > This could be discussed with upstream.
> I certainly encourage you to discuss with upsream on whether they believe
> a git snapshot ought to be delivered to unstable/testing (and thus
> ultimately ubuntu too).

As Raphael mentioned, upstream is against distros using snapshots from
the master branch, however I do understand the reasons to do it earlier.
>From the Debian perspective, I believe the important thing here is to
make sure we ship 2.6 in the next release.

Lucas Kanashiro

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