reopen 1015927

On Sun, Jul 24, 2022 at 02:17:29PM -0400, Sandro Tosi wrote:
> > is no longer necessary, so could be removed from the template control
> > file.  But if I'm wrong, then sorry for the noise and please close
> > this.  (It may be that it will be needed for the future automated
> > autopkgtest for Python packages.)
> please dont shift the burden on proof onto the maintainers: if you
> open a bug, please do your own research first if this field is still
> needed or not. reopen if that's the case

OK, fair enough; it is probably a language thing - I am of the belief
that this field should be removed but am OK with being told that you
disagree.  I tried to express this in the way I submitted the report,
but that probably didn't come through.  This is not as clear-cut as
many other bug reports!  Anyway, here's the thinking.

The autopkgtest documentation (README.package-tests.*) says:

  Source package header
  To allow test execution environments to discover packages which provide
  tests, their source packages need to have a ``Testsuite:`` header
  containing ``autopkgtest`` (or a value like ``autopkgtest-pkg-perl``,
  see below).  Multiple values get comma separated, as usual in control
  files.  This tag is added automatically by dpkg-source version 1.17.11
  or later, so normally you don't need to worry about this field.

  Automatic test control file for known package types
  There are groups of similarly-structured packages for which the contents
  of ``debian/tests/control`` would be mostly identical, such as Perl or
  Ruby libraries. If ``debian/tests/control`` is absent, the ``autodep8``
  tool can generate an automatic control file. If installed, ``autopkgtest``
  will automatically use it; this can be disabled with the
  ``--no-auto-control`` option.
  Those packages do not have to provide ``debian/tests/``, but they should
  still include an appropriate source package header
  (``Testsuite: autopkgtest-pkg-perl`` or similar) so that they can be
  discovered in the archive.

However, this last piece of advice only makes sense when there is no
debian/tests/control file: a package which specifies "Testsuite:
autopkgtest-pkg-perl" or similar will run the autodep8 test even if
there is a debian/tests/control.

Having the Testsuite: autopkgtest-pkg-python field inserted by default
would mean that with the proposed improved autopkgtest-pkg-python, the
new pybuild-autopkgtest would be run even if a maintainer creates
debian/tests/control, unless they (remember to) remove the Testsuite:
field from their debian/control.  Leaving out the Testsuite field
would mean that autodep8 is run by etc if and only if
there is no debian/tests/control.

I propose that the latter option this is a better default position
than the former, hence why I propose removing the Testsuite field from
the generated debian/control file.

Best wishes,


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