Hello Luca and Michel,

On 7/28/22 5:50 PM, Michel Alexandre Salim wrote:
> Hi Ben,
> I was independently working on pacman, and (thanks to the name
> collision with the existing pacman package) didn't notice this until
> it's mostly done.

That existing package is orphaned anyway, so it's annoying that it's
already there and not even being maintained. I do think it's still a
good idea to keep the current package name so people don't get confused
and accidentally install a potentially dangerous package manager for
another distribution instead of an arcade game.

> My use case is helping make systemd/mkosi CI easier (since it's hosted
> on GitHub, which provides Ubuntu LTS builders) - I'll flag this to
> some relevant people so they can help get this sponsored.
> PS archlinux-keyring is on its way to unstable, and per some feedback
> the keyring target directory is moved to the standard Debian path:
> https://salsa.debian.org/michel/archlinux-keyring/-/blob/main/debian
> /patches/use_std_keyring_dir.diff
> might want to apply this to your pacman, and configure pacman to use
> this path:
> https://gitlab.archlinux.org/pacman/pacman/-/merge_requests/11

Okay, I've added the patch to my package and configured the keyringdir
option in debian/rules.

On 7/28/22 6:27 PM, Luca Boccassi wrote:
> Hi,
> I can sponsor this.
> A few remarks, aside from the keyring change mentioned by Michel:
> - all the doc build-dependencies (asciidoc, doxygen, help2man) can be
> marked with <!nodoc> so that nodoc builds can be done
> - are curl and fakechroot really needed to build the package, or are
> they just used by self tests? if they are used only by tests, mark them
> as <!nocheck>
> - is pkgconf really needed instead of pkgconfig, which is the default?
> - you need to add a libalpm-dev and ship the headers, pkgconfig file,
> unversioned .so and manpage in it, instead of in libalpm13, and remove
> the lintian override
> - libalpm13 is missing Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends}
> - no need to specify the libarchive-tools and libgpgme11 dependencies
> on libalpm13, they will be autogenerated
> - does libalpm13 really need to depend on the binary curl executable?

Thanks, all of those have been fixed.

> - makepkg should not depend on build-essential nor on sudo

I was under the impression that makepkg depended on sudo, but after a
deeper look into the code, it appears to fall back on su if sudo is not
detected. I put build-essential there since makepkg expects base-devel,
the Arch Linux equivalent of build-essential, to be installed. I've now
removed sudo from Depends and moved build-essential to Recommends since
in most cases you would want it installed but it's not required.

> - no need to manually specify the dependency on libalpm13 in makepkg,
> it will be autogenerated
> - libalpm13 is missing the symbols file, you can generate it after
> building the library with:
>    dpkg-gensymbols -plibalpm13 
> -edebian/tmp/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libalpm.so.13.0.1 
> -Odebian/libalpm13.symbols
> - makepkg is missing a dependency on ${perl:Depends}


> - are you sure all of these can run on GNU/Hurd and debian/kFreeBSD? If
> not, use 'linux-any' instead of 'any' as the architecture

Funny you should say that; I actually have a Debian GNU/kFreeBSD system
that I installed out of curiosity last year. When I was originally
making this package, I tested it out on that system and it worked.

> - it is not necessary anymore to specify the build system in
> debian/rules, meson is autodetected
> - use execute_before_dh_auto_clean instead of override_


> - 228 tests fail when running in a pbuilder chroot, this is a strong
> hint that the build might fail once uploaded

I use sbuild instead of pbuilder since it's considered to be legacy at
this point. As Michel noted, these failures are solved by two additional
build depends (one of which you should've already had) which I've added.

> - you should try and fix the reproducible build, rather than disabling
> it in the CI

I've tested reproducibility with reprotest and it's perfectly
reproducible. Salsa CI fails a bunch of tests on its second
reproducibility build, and I haven't been able to find the root cause.
It's been suggested to me that Salsa CI's reprotest job might be faulty.
I'll do some more research into the topic when I have time.

> - the GPL-2+ in debian/copyright says in the last paragraph:
>    "On Debian systems, the full text of the GNU General Public
>     License version 3 can be found in the file"
>   instead of version 2


Thank you both for your interest and deep review of this package! I
learned a lot of minor Debian things that I didn't know about before.
I've published my changes to Salsa and Mentors. You've helped me to
address the weaker points of my package that I wasn't so sure about
(dependencies and packaging a library) and I've learned more in my
Debian packaging journey as a result!

Ben Westover

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