Dima Kogan <dko...@debian.org> writes:

> Thanks, Göran and Jurij. So are we done? If we're confident, I'll upload
> a new notion with the relevant Depends: and close this bug.

Well, pthreads needs to be pulled in some way and then things will be

Were you planning on putting a later libc6 in Depends:? I hope you're
aware that libc6 is named differently on some archs. If it was me then I
would not want the maintenance burden of that solution. It also seems
like notion should not need to be fixed because the bug is not in

Personally I think libx11 should be built with -pthread since it is
where the use of pthreads comes from. That would fix this problem for
the other affected X clients.

You could also reassign this bug to libx11-6 and close it. The bug is
really in libx11 1.8.1-1 and is worked around in libx11 1.8.1-2. If a
later libx11 enables the threading stuff again then it should also take
care to build with -pthread so that these problems don't reappear.

Best regards,

Göran Weinholt   | https://weinholt.se/
Debian Developer | 73 de SA6CJK

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