Hi again, Osamu!

On 2022-08-11 14:03, Osamu Aoki wrote:
Oh, wring file names in my original post and  ... My original concern
for installed systemd configuration files are there.  One for GNOME,
one for others.  And others seems to relyon some variable
substitution.  Is it working correctly?

/usr/lib/systemd/user/ has followings:


At last I understand what you are concerned about.

Hmm.. While the GNOME one is used in GNOME sessions, it looks to me as if the generic one is not used at all.

$ systemctl --user list-unit-files | grep IBus
org.freedesktop.IBus.session.generic.service          static    -
org.freedesktop.IBus.session.GNOME.service            enabled   enabled

If I put "none" in the ~/.xinputrc file on my Xubuntu installation, no ibus-daemon process is started at login.

And if the generic service file isn't used, there shouldn't be a conflict with im-config.

It would of course be good to know the intention with the org.freedesktop.IBus.session.generic.service file.


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