Lev Lamberov <dogs...@debian.org> writes:

> Hmm... have you changed directory to srv.el before running dh-make-elpa?
> Because I cannot reproduce this, see:
> $ git clone -o upstream https://github.com/legoscia/srv.el
> $ cd srv.el/
> $ dh-make-elpa --pkg-emacsen
> I: couldn't generate d/docs: not fully implemented
> $ ls
> debian  srv.el
> $ ls debian/
> changelog  control  copyright  elpa  gbp.conf  rules  source  watch
> Cheers!
> Lev

yes I did cd (just did again to double check). I don't have DEBFULLNAME
set, maybe that makes a difference.

I ran the following perl code (extracted from
DhMakeElpa::Command::Packaging) with the same results

    my $pwname = getpwuid($<);
    my $name = $pwname->gecos;

It seems that getpwuid returns an array (multiple scalar values), so
calling gecos on it doesn't really make sense to me.

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