
Am Fri, Sep 16, 2022 at 11:05:28PM +0200 schrieb raster:
> I've been using several plugins with Kicad, but since two days ago, if I try 
> to
> use any of them, an error window with a python exception appears:
>     wx._core.PyNoAppError: The wx.App object must be created first!

unfortunately you don't provide information about the plugin you are
using and also no steps how to provoke that behavior. Without these
parts it's impossible to narrow down the problem.

The line you do providing is only a part of an Python expetion, the
useful information to get this solved is missing, might be that no more
message is raised.
OTOH this isn't a issue rooted within the KiCad application, it's clear
the problem is within the Python code. I think the plugin code isn't
ensuring that all possible exceptions get catched or the usage of the
wx.Frame class isn't correct.

However, without a way to re-adjust the behavior we will not be able to
solve this.


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