On Tue, Sep 27, 2022, at 4:23 AM, Matthew Vernon wrote:
> Thanks for bringing this to the committee; even if Sean is correct that
> we won't act on this report, you've described the issues clearly and I
> think it was worth bringing to our attention.

Thank you for saying so.

> As Sean says, though, questions of what are and aren't RC bugs are
> typically the domain of the release team, not the TC.
> I don't think you're asking us to revisit our decision on the approach
> taken to merged-/usr

No, I am not.  To be excruciatingly specific, I do not want to
re-litigate the decision on “merged /usr via aliased dirs” vs
“merged /usr via moves and symlink farms”.

What I am asking for is a schedule change: specifically, that the
merged /usr transition not be allowed to proceed past the status quo
as of two weeks ago (i.e. *before* init-system-helpers added a
dependency on usrmerge|usr-is-merged) until after the dpkg bugs are
fixed to the satisfaction of the dpkg maintainers.

I do not think that this is “returning to a decision once made” and I
*do* think that this is within the ambit of the TC’s responsibilities.
(Concretely, the TC would be overruling Luca Bonassi on the subject of
whether init-system-helpers may depend on usrmerge|usr-is-merged, and
issuing more project-wide advice on the timing and the blockers for
the transition.)

> I think the best way to proceed would be to open a bug describing the
> problem that Simon outlines with RC severity; the relevant maintainers
> and release team can then discuss how to resolve the issues and if they
> warrant delaying the release or adjusting when we complete the
> transition. Obviously those people might want to ask the TC for advice,
> but I think that would be up to them at least in the first instance.

This gets into interpersonal issues.  Supposing I filed a critical-
severity bug on any or all of dpkg, usrmerge, or init-system-helpers,
I fully expect that the respective maintainer would immediately close
it as either not their problem or not actually a problem at all.
I would then have to come back here and request that you override
their determination of the severity and/or appropriate package to
carry the bug.  Having the TC act first would save everyone involved
some steps, wouldn’t it?


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