On Tue, Sep 27, 2022, at 5:15 AM, Sebastian Ramacher wrote:
>> I'd like to make sure that the bug submitter has not identified
>> something new here.
> I've not seen any new issues appearing since the last round I file bugs.

I wasn’t aware that you have been filing bugs related to the
transition.  What criteria are you using to find and file those bugs?

If you have time to put into actively *looking* for bugs *other than*
the one identified by Simon, that would be hugely helpful and I think
a good way to go about it would be to write a fuzzer for package
upgrades — try to generate the weirdest possible scenarios of packages
splitting, recombining, replacing each other, conflicting with each
other, transferring files among each other, diverting each other’s
files, etc. etc.  Using that, see if you can come up with concrete
reproducers for all the data loss scenarios listed by Guillem at
<https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Dpkg/MergedUsr>, or for *other* data
loss scenarios, hitherto unsuspected by anyone.


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