Control: retitle -1 lsb_release does not show version info in unstable
Control: severity -1 wishlist
Control: tags -1 wontfix
Control: block -1 by 1008735
Control: affects 1008735 lsb-release

On 28/09/22 06:30, Yukiharu YABUKI wrote:
lsb_release command says

$ lsb_release -cs
No LSB modules are available.

$ lsb_release
No LSB modules are available

I'd like to get infomation from lsb_release command.

The reported behavior happens only on unstable and testing.

`lsb_release` reads the release data from `/etc/os-release`. The `/etc/os-release` file shipped by `base-files` in Debian unstable and testing does not contain the required VERSION_* variables.

There is an open bug against `base-files` requesting the addition of said variables to `/etc/os-release`: <>.


Gioele Barabucci

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