* Francesco Poli <invernom...@paranoici.org> [2022-09-29 00:11]:
Yes, that's intentional: the goal was to let decopy scan po/*.po files
too, in order to automatically pick updates (for instance, when their
copyright years change).

Is this the wrong way to achieve this result?

Seems fine if that's your intention, I just wanted to point out that this changes the decopy output.

Do you mean that you only use decopy for a first rough draft of the
debian/copyright file and then you modify it by hand?


But then, what do you do, when the source tree changes and the
debian/copyright file has to be updated?
Do you update it by hand?
Or do you re-run decopy with the outdated debian/copyright file as a
base for the processing?
My intention was to follow the latter strategy, hence my Makefile
target 'debian-copyright'...

Did I misunderstand how decopy should be used?

I rerun decopy (sometimes with deleting d/copyright first) and then diff the result. I think it would be great if decopy's output would be idempotent but often it needs extra work. I think the intention was to make decopy smart enough to not need extra work but I haven't invested time into that till now.

Well, I suspect the heuristics should be improved a bit...
I think that, when a preexisting debian/copyright file is used as a
base for processing, decopy should not change which copyright block is
used as the top one, unless there is a really strong reason to do so.

Do you agree?

Sounds like yeah.

If this is confirmed, I think a new option should be added (we could
perhaps call it "--ignore") that makes decopy act as if the ignored
files were absent.

Yes, I think that would be a good addition.

But why does decopy strip "et al."?

I looked into the git history but there is no comment why it was added.

And what's the correct way to specify that a copyright is owned
by one main owner plus many other co-owners?

I'm actually not sure of the implication of this. Stating that there is someone besides the named person holding the copyright does not really give you any information.

I mean, the correct way for decopy.

If you really want to add it, you could first off all separate it from the first name. So in your example make Masato Taruishi and et al. two separate entries:

2002-2020, Masato Taruishi
2002-2020, et alii (or others or..)

I think decopy should preserve that.

Cheers Jochen

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