Source: haskell-yesod-auth-oauth
Severity: serious
Tags: ftbfs

[1 of 1] Compiling Yesod.Auth.OAuth ( Yesod/Auth/OAuth.hs, 
dist-ghc/build/Yesod/Auth/OAuth.o, dist-ghc/build/Yesod/Auth/OAuth.dyn_o )

Yesod/Auth/OAuth.hs:46:43: error:
    • Couldn't match type: m0 TypedContent
                     with: forall (m :: * -> *).
                           MonadAuthHandler master m =>
                           m TypedContent
      Expected: Yesod.Auth.Method
                -> [Yesod.Auth.Piece] -> AuthHandler master TypedContent
        Actual: Text -> [Text] -> m0 TypedContent
    • In the second argument of ‘AuthPlugin’, namely ‘dispatch’
      In the expression: AuthPlugin name dispatch login
      In an equation for ‘authOAuth’:
          authOAuth oauth mkCreds
            = AuthPlugin name dispatch login
                name = T.pack $ oauthServerName oauth
                url = PluginR name []
                  = bsToText
                      . fromMaybe "" . lookup "oauth_token_secret" . 
                oauthSessionName :: Text
    • Relevant bindings include
        login :: (AuthRoute -> Route master) -> WidgetFor master ()
          (bound at Yesod/Auth/OAuth.hs:98:5)
        dispatch :: forall (m :: * -> *).
                    (MonadHandler m, master ~ HandlerSite m, Auth ~ 
SubHandlerSite m,
                     MonadUnliftIO m) =>
                    Text -> [Text] -> m TypedContent
          (bound at Yesod/Auth/OAuth.hs:64:5)
        mkCreds :: Credential -> IO (Creds master)
          (bound at Yesod/Auth/OAuth.hs:46:17)
        authOAuth :: OAuth
                     -> (Credential -> IO (Creds master)) -> AuthPlugin master
          (bound at Yesod/Auth/OAuth.hs:46:1)
46 | authOAuth oauth mkCreds = AuthPlugin name dispatch login
   |                                           ^^^^^^^^

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