On Thu, Oct 13, 2022 at 06:13:34PM +0200, Dennis Filder wrote:
> X-Debbugs-Cc: ael <witwa...@disroot.org>
> On Thu, Oct 13, 2022 at 12:42:52PM +0100, ael wrote:
> > Another gdb log after installing liblinphone*10-dbgsym*.
> >
> > one line that may be relevant is
> >
> > #5  0x00007ffff7b37798 in bctbx_fatal(char const*, ...)
> >     (fmt=fmt@entry=0x7ffff7bc1670 "You can't have both LIME and LIME X3DH 
> > enabled at the same time !\nConflicting settings are [sip] lime and [lime] 
> > lime_server_url")
> >     at /usr/include/bctoolbox/logging.h:245
> >
> > This is another quick and dirty interim report for now...
> Well, there's your answer right there: Your
> ~/.config/linphone/linphonerc still contains a lime= entry in the
> [sip] section from earlier releases.  Somehow it must have been set to
> 1 which conflicts with the newer LIME X3DH support that has its own
> section.  Just delete that line from the [sip] section and you should
> be good to go.  It is unfortunate that the error message is only
> written to the log, not to stderr where it would be helpful.

I don't remember editing linphonerc: it must have been many months
if not years ago.

> I just wonder why it didn't manifest before (assuming you didn't make
> any changes to your configuration recently).  Have you used the
> AppImage version recently?  If so it may have touched your
> configuration.

Definitely not (AppImage), and I made no recent changes to the
configuration. Perhaps a while ago I may have modified via the GUI:
I don't remember. But I use linphone regularly, and it had been working
fine until a few day ago.

But thanks so much for the diagnosis. I confirm that it seems to work
after deleting the lime=1 entry.

It does seem to leave some error handling attention if it dumps core
on a simple configuration error. I guess that is for upstream.

Thanks again,


PS. I assume you will close the bug report, or should I do so?

> Regards.

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