Control: tags -1 - pending

Étienne Mollier, on 2022-10-16:
> This issue looks fixed in the experimental updload, if I trust
> the current buildd status report[1], and the bug still open
> might simply be an oversight.  I suppose the bug can be closed
> now already or when migrating the package to unstable.
> [1]: 

Hmn, typical me: my mail fires away and some 1.5 seconds later I
see a lintian error stating that the tracking file must get new
symbols.  That being said, strictly speaking, changes in version
-2 do not break the build with gcc-12.  I'm sorry for the noise,
I was hopeful to provide a patch updating the table, preferably
for all supported architectures, but my time at the BSP is
running out.

Any ways, have a nice day,  :)
Étienne Mollier <>
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