
After several failed test guided by Martin-Éric Racine and driven outside of
this bug report, her ask me to put my working config and changes in the bug
report. So this is how I have wireless conectivity in my ancient laptop, an
Emachines 355 with a CPU Intel Atom at 1,66 Ghz and 1 Gb of RAM

I am running Debian Testing, and have installed the following packages related
to dhcpcd:
- dhcpcd-base 9.4.1-9
- dhcpcd-dbus 0.6.1-3
- dhcpcd-gtk 0.7.8-1
- dhcpcd5 9.4.1-9

For make dhcpcd-gtk work with Debian, I copied the config of the Raspberry Pi
Desktop for PC and Mac that I see in action in my laptop with this live-cd:

I see, later, that this config is compatible with the dhcpcd-gtk manual page. I
will put excerpts of that man page on this text, bellow. I think that my config
is compilant with these excerpts, but I not totally sure.

1. In /etc/network/interfaces there is not to be anything. The manual page says
that: "dhcpcd(8) needs to be running in Master mode for dhcpcd-gtk to work with
it", so it need to be started in the boot process by systemd or init.d, and no
by /etc/network/interfaces.

2. The manual page says that: "dhcpcd-gtk relies on wpa_supplicant(8) being
configured to write its sockets to /var/run/wpa_supplicant. If dhcpcd-gtk is
used to select and set pass phrases for wireless networks then update_config=1
needs to be set in wpa_supplicant.conf." So I put this in
    ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev

3. I check that wpa_supplicant need to be started by dhcpcd. For this I make
this symbolic link: 
    $ sudo ln -s /usr/share/dhcpcd/hooks/10-wpa_supplicant

4. The man page says that: "If dhcpcd-gtk is used to make configuration changes
then the user needs to be able to write to the privileged dhcpcd control socket
as well as /etc/dhcpcd.conf." For that, I change the permissions of
/etc/dhcpcd.conf to these: rw-rw-r-- root:netdev. I put my normal user in the
netdev group too. So, I run these commands:
    $ sudo chown root:netdev /etc/dhcpcd.conf
    $ sudo chmod 664 /etc/dhcpcd.conf
    $ sudo adduser "myuser" netdev

5. As said in my prior email in this bug report, prior to dhcpcd 9.4.1 with
these changes, my setup was working well. But in 9.4.1 dhcpcd is starting at
boot by systemd (prior was by an init script), and this have a "sandboxing"
part that is preventing it from working. So now I need to remove all these lines
from the systemd unit. For this I made:
- Copy that unit to /etc/systemd/system:
   $ sudo cp /lib/systemd/system/dhcpcd.service /etc/systemd/system
- Edit /etc/systemd/system/dhcpcd.service and coment/remove all this lines:
# sandboxing
ReadWritePaths=/var/lib/dhcpcd /run/dhcpcd /etc/resolv.conf

Whit this, dhcpcd is starting well in the laptop boot, and later, I start
dhcpcd-gtk with my desktop environment and is working well. I can select a
wireless net, type it's passphrase and the system conects to it...

That's all for this to work. I made another change, by this is not needed for
all users, I think. I put this line in /etc/dhcpcd.conf for dhcpcd to not to
change my /etc/resolv.conf file:
    nohook resolv.conf
But there are some other modes to achieve this, as well, I think...

Well. So this is the way I work. I understand that it is a very particular way,
and that it does not have to be useful for everyone. But I think it's the only
way to get dhcpcd-gtk to work well in a Debian desktop environment.

Many thanks for all your work. Greetings. Martintxo.

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