Big fat +1 to defaulting bell-style to either "none" or "visible".

As just discussed on #pipewire, emulating the bell on machines w/o a
hardware pc speaker is off by default because "most people want to
rip out the beeper".  And that's specifically because of bash & co
beeping whenever you press backspace or tab.

The bell is supposed to alert the user that something is wrong (or that
a long-running task on a remote server is done...), not to make a
racket during normal use.

Thus: for the love of father Dagon and mother Hydra, could you please
silence the bell by default?

# do not bell on tab-completion
# set bell-style none
# set bell-style visible
⬑ one of these 

⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋⠀ Quis trollabit ipsos trollos?

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