Package: yggdrasil
Version: 0.4.6-1~bpo11+1
Severity: wishlist
I have a machine with sshd disabled on the public interfaces, and
instead set to bind to yggdrasil's ipv6 address in sshd_config:
ListenAddress [201:dd5a: ... ]:22
This works great when the machine's already running, and I restart
sshd. However, when the machine first boots up, sshd fails to bind to
the yggdrasil ipv6 interface; likely because sshd comes up before
yggdrasil is finished initializing the interface.
I tried running "systemctl edit yggdrasil.service" and inserting the
Similarly, I also edited editing ssh.service and adding an
"After=yggdrasil.service". Neither seemed to fix the issue after
rebooting. Instead, sshd continues refusing to listen on the ipv6
interface until I manually restart ssh.
I'd suggest documenting the proper way to handle this in README.Debian.
For now, I'm simply creating an /etc/cron.d/yggdrasil that contains
"@reboot root sleep 60 && systemctl restart ssh", which is pretty