On Mon, 14 Nov 2022 12:57:01 -0500 Antoine Beaupre <anar...@debian.org> wrote:
> Package: geeqie
> Version: 1:2.0.1-4
> Severity: normal
> I'm not sure what's happening here, but it seems like Geeqie doesn't
> correctly render thumbnails in the left pane under Wayland anymore.
> The images just don't show up: they are clickable, and show up on the
> right pane, but are basically just white squares.
> Here is a screenshot of the problem:
> https://paste.anarc.at/publish/2022-11-14-EkB6-ytmKHVUzKkCLJOzZwoQhDrlClzVX_kh4wR_tn8/snap-20221114T125640.png

Thanks for the report - I can reproduce - For me it's only when I have
"Show as Icons" checked, and NOT "Show filename text", is it the same
for you?

And I cannot reproduce it on an uptodate unstable, so I got a little
confused - and also the problem is present on both X and wayland.

I'll forward upstream.

-- Andreas Rönnquist

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