Package: lollypop
Version: 1.4.36-1
Severity: normal

We are planning for the youtube-dl package to become an empty package that simply depends on yt-dlp (see ). Your package has a "Recommends: youtube-dl". However, in looking through the source code, I can see that it actually may be looking for yt-dlp instead.


   if App().settings.get_value("recent-youtube-dl"):
       python_path = GLib.get_user_data_dir() + "/lollypop/python"
       path = "%s/bin/yt-dlp" % python_path
       env = ["PYTHONPATH=%s" % python_path]
       f = Gio.File.new_for_path(path)
       if f.query_exists():
           return (path, env)
   if GLib.find_program_in_path("yt-dlp"):
       return ("yt-dlp", [])

Please test your package with yt-dlp and update the Recommends to replace "youtube-dl" with "yt-dlp" once you've verified that it works as intended.


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