Control: tags -1 + pending

* Andrius Merkys <> [2022-11-22 14:38]:
Due to the added support for Python 3.11, CMake's FindPython.cmake no longer returns the default Python version (3.10 currently), but returns the latest one (3.11 currently). Due to this, some packages FTBFS (for example, openstructure and promod3) and some only provide the built object for Python 3.11 which is not the default.

There was a similar bug #945825 during previous Python transition. That was resolved by patching FindPython.cmake to use 'py3versions -d'. I suppose additional logic has to be implemented to allow for default Python version being not the latest available Python version.

I have an improved patch committed to Salsa, I'm just waiting for the
FTP team to approve the split of emacs-cmake-mode. I'm going to give
them a few more days before I consider releasing the bugfix on its
own, if you don't mind.


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