Control: tags -1 upstream patch

On 2022-11-22 14:46:28 +0100, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> Removed the upstream tag as I can't reproduce the issue by compiling
> upstream's gnuplot 5.4.5, and and doc2texi.el in docs have
> not changed (and the 5.4.5 release notes don't mention any fix about
> the info manual).

Actually, it *is* an upstream bug. But I can reproduce it only with
a separate build directory (this is what Debian does). I suppose
that the path to the .trm files is incorrect in such a case.

doc2texi.el has

(defvar d2t-terminal-directory (expand-file-name "../term/")
  "Location of .trm files in gnuplot source tree.")

If I understand correctly, this is relative to the build directory
(since the current working directory is there), while this should have
been relative to the source directory. A general fix is not obvious:
one would have to pass $(srcdir) to the file, unless there is some
Emacs variable that already contains the information. However, for
Debian, the build directory is at some fixed place in the source tree,
so that this can be fixed by just adapting the relative path.

Patch attached.

Vincent Lefèvre <> - Web: <>
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog: <>
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)
Index: gnuplot-5.4.4+dfsg1/docs/doc2texi.el
--- gnuplot-5.4.4+dfsg1.orig/docs/doc2texi.el
+++ gnuplot-5.4.4+dfsg1/docs/doc2texi.el
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
 ;;; You may need to customize these variables:
 (defvar d2t-doc-file-name "gnuplot.doc"
   "Name of the gnuplot.doc file.")
-(defvar d2t-terminal-directory (expand-file-name "../term/")
+(defvar d2t-terminal-directory (expand-file-name "../../../term/")
   "Location of .trm files in gnuplot source tree.")

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