Hi Scott,

On 11/22/22 20:48, Scott Kitterman wrote:
> The package name is very generic.  I would pick something more specific.

Any suggestions? Since it's mostly supposed to be used in Bash pipes I
aimed for something short, and since that name doesn't appear to be used
on any unix like system: https://command-not-found.com/ranges I though I
go for it :)

> Also, I suspect the speed advantage would be less significant if you used 
> SubnetTree 
> (python3-subnettree), which does all the hard work in C.
Good to know that such a package exists! From looking at the README I
don't immediately see that one could write such a script with it, but I
suppose it is possible. That would only solve the problem for IPs though.
> Is this really needed?

But the thing with the Python module is exactly my point. Sure, it is
possible to write a Python script when you stumble across a use-case,
and that is what everybody seems to be doing. But I think compiling
lists into ranges is a generic enough problem, that a ready to use CLI
tool makes sense. Nobody should waste their time re-implementing the
same thing again and again.

I mean it is probably also possible to write a Python script version of
most other pipe tools like wc, uniq, ... but it's still massively
helpful to have those tools on hand everywhere you go. Don't get me
wrong I'm not saying my program would be as useful as any of the
coreutils. Compiling lists into ranges is a rarer use-case, but I had to
implement these kinds of scripts often enough to be convinced, that I
will be helpful for more than one person :)

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