
  Debian packaging of LXD tracks the upstream LTS releases that receive
bug fixes and security updates for fives years [1,2], as opposed to
tracking features releases (such as 5.8), which are only supported for
one month. Especially once LXD is included in the upcoming bookworm
release, it will be far easier to provide bug/security fixes to the LTS

  Maybe at some point in the future newer feature releases of LXD might
be packaged in experimental; the current 5.8 release has several new
golang dependencies that I'm in the process of packaging/updating in


[1] -- https://linuxcontainers.org/lxd/docs/master/security/#supported-versions
[2] -- https://discuss.linuxcontainers.org/t/lxd-5-0-lts-has-been-released/13723

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