I did not manage to find a way to reproduce myself. But I found that
openscad has some debugging option that may provide additional information.

Can you try to run openscad with the --debug option:

  openscad --debug=scintillaeditor

and then reproduce the problem with the ENTER key and note down the output
from the openscad program?

When I run it, I see output like this:

  scintillaeditor:   KeyPress - modifiers: shift ctrl alt meta keypad group
  scintillaeditor:   KeyPress - modifiers: SHIFT ctrl alt meta keypad group

For every key press and key release, it logs the modifiers received with the
event. It doesn't log which key was pressed, but you should be able to match
key press to output line by looking when the output appears relative to the

It would be useful to know what is (if any) logged for

 - A "shift+enter" key press, which inserts a linebreak correctly
 - An "enter" keypress without shift that is ignored incorrectly
 - Try using both the normal and numeric-pad enter key
 - What is logged for another key that works normally (space, letters)

This information will hopefully give a clue to why the "enter" key doesn't
work on its own.

Based on this I can try to build an openscad binary with more detailed
debugging printouts to hopefully track down the root cause of the issue. In
case this becomes necessary, do you prefer to build openscad yourself from a
git branch/patch; or for me to supply a (signed) temporary .deb with the
extra debugging?

 - Kristian.

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