control: tags -1 - patch

On Thu, 1 Dec 2022, 15:06 Peter Gervai, <> wrote:

Hi -

> Would be nice to skip extremely large >directories which the admin choose
to skip in >the scan.
>Typical examples are /var/lib/backuppc or >similar backup dirs, or various
large mounts.


not sure i would use this feature myself, but doesnt seem unreasonable. are
there other use cases than large files?

 (I think most people use chkrootkit via the daily cron job - how does this
interact with that?)

does the patch apply against the version of chkrootkit with the - many tens
of - existing debian patches?

also, can you add autopktests for the new feature and add the option to the
man page too(i didnt find what was written in the patch to the 'help'
output very clear, if you could find a clearer explanation of what this is
for that would help too). if you do all that,  ill take a closer look.

The following patch contains only a few changes in the find calls where it
> uses a complete root dir scan.
> I hope I was successful doing it POSIX safe, but please check.

i havent looked in detail but i think there are some issues that need
` ...` should be replaced by $(...).
And variables look like they need quoting.
you can use shellcheck to spot some of these issues.

...chkrootkit is itself full of issues like this, but we should be making
it better with every patch.

> (Sidenote: I see you commented out '-o' at the end of the $findargs, is it
> correct this way?)

i dont know, but you should provide a recommendation as part of the patch.
i wouldnt be surprised if it was an error - it wouldnt be the first bit if
dubious code spotted in chkrootkit. But equally why would it end in -o ?

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