
in order to reproduce the bug, I can compare two commands:

1st command
   sudo /usr/bin/daemon --noconfig --name bcron-start /usr/sbin/bcron-start

this one lauches bcron-start as a daemon, and syslog reports that
bcron-start exited with 111 status. This one is actually launched,
considering that it is part of the file debian/contrib/syslog/bcron-sched,
which matters, as it is considered by the file debian/rules, during
the build of the package.

2nd command
   sudo /usr/sbin/bcron-start

that one launches bcron-start as a foreground process, and it works.


I found a clue!

When one launches 

   sudo /usr/bin/daemon --noconfig /usr/sbin/bcron-start

omitting the parameter "--name bcron-start", the process bcron-start is
launched as a daemon, and no exception with code 111 is emitted.
However, as the daemon is not named and has no pidfile, one cannot stop
it easily: one must find its pid and then stop it with kill -KILL.

Does this weird behavior remind you anything, Tomas ?

Best regards,                   Georges.

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