that will still not be enough for further investigation,
but the given byte sequence in conjunction the package from
snapshot.d.o including the dbgsym package points to this location:

0x...cfb in QThreadStorageData::get() const at thread/qthreadstorage.cpp:122

@piorunz: a first step might be to install the package systemd-coredump.
That way a whole lot of information for a crash should appear in the journal.
This link might contain more hints: https://wiki.debian.org/HowToGetABacktrace

Kind regards,

(gdb) list qthreadstorage.cpp:114,125
114     void **QThreadStorageData::get() const
121         QVector<void *> &tls = data->tls;
122         if (tls.size() <= id)
123             tls.resize(id + 1);

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