Hello. I was going to report this but I see it's already reported.

Here is another false positive:

lintian believes that the file testdir/t.a in original-awk
source is an ar archive and produces this output:

E: original-awk source: unpack-message-for-orig 
original-awk_2022-01-22.orig.tar.gz . ar failed for awk-20220122/testdir/t.a

The contents of the file, however, is the following:

        {if (amount[$2] "" == "") item[++num] = $2;
         amount[$2] += $1
END     {for (i=1; i<=num; i++)
                print item[i], amount[item[i]]

and the "file" command correctly identifies it not as an ar archive:

$ file testdir/*.a
testdir/t.a: ASCII text

Therefore I propose that lintian only tries to unpack *.a files when
the "file" command identifies it as an "ar" archive:

$ file /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.a
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.a: current ar archive


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