El 1/1/23 a las 12:58, Adam Borowski escribió:
Control: tags -1 +unreproducible moreinfo

I don't think the unreproducible tag applies here.

To reproduce, just try to build it in a chroot which does
not include tzdata. If debootstrap does not do that by default,
then it follows that you should not simply accept debootstrap's defaults.

This is Policy 4.2:

If build-time dependencies are specified, it must be possible to build the
package and produce working binaries on a system with only essential and
build-essential packages installed and also those required to satisfy the
build-time relationships > (including any implied relationships).

So yes, this is undoubtedly a bug, because tzdata is not build-essential.

I could agree that everything would be easier if debootstrap was fixed once and 


If you can push for that bug to be fixed for bookworm, that would certainly 

I have nothing against adding such a B-Dependency in unstable: this is where
new development is supposed to be done, preparing a new upload costs but a
few mins of my time.  On the other hand, updating stable requires extensive
process and wastes the time of me, the Release Team, of people preparing the
new point release announcement, of users testing and deploying the update.

Of course fixing bugs takes a little bit of time, but it may also be argued that
not fixing this kind of bugs produces weird effects which makes some people to 
some of their time (for example, me building the whole archive trying to keep 
stable free
from any kind of FTBFS bugs). If, despite having a trivial fix for the bug, you 
not to fix it in stable and leave the fix for others, I will have less time for 
other things
which I also want to fix. I know that some people will not agree, but I believe 
FTBFS bugs in stable should be primarily a responsibility of the affected 
Offloading the work to those particularly interested in stable does not scale 

I have still 87 FTBFS bugs to fix in stable. You are of course free to not help 
me fixing yours.


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