Source: mplcursors
Version: 0.5.2-1
Severity: serious
Justification: debci

mplcursors Build-Depends:libopenblas0

This is bad for several reasons.

Firstly, OpenBLAS is not available on all architectures. In particular
it's not available on armel (and mipsel), and therefore debci testing
on armel fails, due to the missing libopenblas0.  That's why I'm
filing this bug as Severity: serious (debci).

Secondly, it's wrong to specify a specific library binary package in
Build-Depends. Build-Depends should be made using the development
package instead, i.e. Build-Depends: libblas-dev.  Note that is not
Build-Depends: libopenblas-dev, see next point.

Thirdly, in regards to BLAS support, all BLAS packages are
binary-compatible, with the preferred BLAS implementation controllable
using the debian alternatives mechanisms.  Even where OpenBLAS is
available, it may not be the best BLAS implementation for the activity
that a particular system performs.  That is, the local admin might
determine that blis or atlas (or intel-mkl) performs better. Not to
mention the various threaded builds which would generally have better
performance than libopenblas0, which is a serial build.

For this reason, debian packages using blas are usually built against
the generic (slow) libblas-dev.  Then one of the performant BLAS
implementation is installed at runtime by the system administrator.

On your own machine you'll want one of the optimised BLAS
implementations installed (libopenblas0, for instance). So to allow
for this the Build-Depends can include alternatives.  But the first
alternative should be the generic development package, libblas-dev, so
that it's used by the debian buildds to build the package.

Thus, the Build-Depends should be something like

  Build-Depends: libblas-dev | libopenblas-dev | libblis-dev | libatlas-base-dev

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