On 1/7/23 17:56, Soren Stoutner wrote:
Although I completely agree that spamming the list is not appropriate, I also
think that Thomas has a valid complaint in that, as far as I have seen, nobody
has raised any real objections to his package that have not been addressed,
except that there are already a lot of MP3 players.  If we generally denied
the creation of a new package because there are already other packages that do
similar things, a lot of innovation would be shut down.  Hence, that is an
argument that I find antithetical to the open source movement.

During this time period many other packages have been sponsored.  Therefore, I
think it is appropriate for Thomas to request that someone either point out a
valid reason for not sponsoring the package, or else sponsor it.

On Saturday, January 7, 2023 4:17:17 AM MST David Bürgin wrote:
Hello Thomas,

Thomas Dettbarn:
Package: sponsorship-requests
Severity: wishlist

Dear mentors,

I am still looking for a sponsor for my package "d11amp":
They are an elusive bunch, aren't they?
So, this week, I am trying the SPAMMING approach. ;)
I am not a sponsor, but this kind of behaviour cannot be somehow made
‘ok’ by adding a smiley face. It is unpleasant and abusive behaviour.

Please remember that you are asking *volunteers* to do work for you *for
free*. Patience is the key here. My recommendation is to move on for
now; you have posted your ITP, you have invited sponsors, you have done
your thing. Now in my experience, a few months can go by until someone
finds the time, and wants to spend the time to sponsor your package.

No offence; this is only my perspective as someone who relies regularly
on sponsorship by the generous Debian mentors.


You, David, are indeed correct: My behavior is something I am also
not feeling comfortable with... However, the last package, that I created
got overlooked for a long time. So, it is my experience that I have to be

Yes, Soren, it is highly frustrating, feeling somewhat ghosted, by not
getting an answer back to my question. (For the record: I am not taking
that one personally. Thank you for pointing it out, though! I really
appreciate it! :) )

So, yes, spamming the mailing list MIGHT be an overreaction, but I
am not really sure that it is. The whole process of getting an application,
(one that I wrote as a *volunteer*, and that is dear to my heart), into
Debian, is, at the moment, an intransparent one to me.

Having it as part of the official package collection would be an honor!


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