On 16/01/2023 07:22, Diane Trout wrote:
On Sun, 2023-01-15 at 14:42 -0800, Diane Trout wrote:
On Sun, 2023-01-15 at 18:16 +0000, Rebecca N. Palmer wrote:
Probably fixed - see my merge request on Salsa.

I'd tried to build versions of dask from 2022.03 - 2022.06 and they
failed with what appeared to be a strong dependency on pyarrow, which
debian doesn't have.

Did you get around that for 2022.12?

Apparently 2022.12.1 builds without issue.

I merged your salsa PR, have a couple useful things from my branch and
there's about 2 tests triggering 5 failures in the autopkgtests to see
if I can tell whats wrong with in 2022.12.1

Autopkgtest passes on my version:
Are you using pytest-xdist? I vaguely remember that breaking things in pandas, though I might be wrong about that.

Though before releasing it I would like to try to build the matching
dask.distributed package.

(That fails some tests, but it's trying to run them during the build, which is known to be an issue for this package.)

Though I also need to clean up my git history to get the 2022.12.1
changes I made onto salsa. But I'm going to do that tomorrow morning.


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