On Mon, 2023-01-16 at 23:35 -0300, Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer
> Maintaining Qt already takes a lot of time, adding private headers
> only makes things worse. So if you want to do porting and the headers
> are not yet there you will have to build Qt itself or fix the problem
> where it really belongs: upstream.

Upstream? Where it's not a problem, because they ship and install the
private headers?

No, this is an issue in Debian, because the headers are being
specifically excluded from packaging, rather than installed. Other
distributions provide these files without such politics. Why is it so
hard to maintain in Debian? Fedora, OpenSUSE, Arch, etc… all have these
files available for installation and developing against. So, surely the
"maintenance burden" is not so high, right? Debian has britney to run
autopackage tests, specifically to prevent things breaking, no? Those
things still are going to break, when those files aren't provided,
since they can no longer build, no?

There is nothing speculative here. The files are required to build many
things against Qt, regardless of whether it is version 5 or 6.

Leaving the files out, only makes it harder for anyone to rely on
distribution provided packages. These are necessary for shipping KDE
Plasma 6, and many other things, in Debian.

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