fixed #1026927 3.6-1

Am 14.01.2023 um 19:21 schrieb George Robbert:

I think I found why you still get the error after applying the patch.
The same thing happened to me on another of my systems.  The
difference was whether the package amd64-microcode was installed or
not.  I think I have a patch (attached) for both.  Here's what I found.

It looks like there are actually 2 related bugs here.  The first one
(which my original patch for line 182 addresses) applies when there is
microcode available.  The second, when there is not.  Here's what I've

Both of these are exposed on line 904 of /usr/sbin/needrestart

                 print "NEEDRESTART-UCEXP: $ucode_vars{AVAIL}\n";

when $ucode_vars{AVAIL} never gets set.  There are 2 ways this can
happen.  The second (which I just found), comes when finds an
AMD cpu, but does not find microcode for it (namely _scan_ucodes does
not find a matching file in /lib/firmware/amd-ucode/microcode_*.bin).
This will, under -v, print

        "$LOGPREF #$info->{processor} no ucode updates available\n"

and return NRM_CURRENT (indicating no reboot for microcode needed),
but still leave $ucode_vars{AVAIL} unset.  The fix is to make sure
that it is set even when there are no microcode updates available (on
line 176).

The first (original patch) bug comes when needrestart finds a matching
microcode.  There, on line 182 of /usr/share/perl5/NeedRestart/uCode/
the line ends with a comma (,) instead of a semicolon (;), which means
that the assignment to $ucode_vars{AVAIL} is subsumed under the if ($debug)
condoling the printing of microcode version under.  Thus,
$ucode_vars{AVAIL} is only set under needrestart -v.

The attached patch fixes both of these cases.


--- /tmp/ 2023-01-14 09:09:28.324414456 -0700
+++ /usr/share/perl5/NeedRestart/uCode/   2023-01-14 09:11:39.210705528 
@@ -173,13 +173,13 @@
- my %vars = ( CURRENT => sprintf( "0x%08x", $ucode ), );
+    my %vars = ( CURRENT => sprintf( "0x%08x", $ucode ), AVAIL => 
# check for microcode updates
      if ( exists( $_ucodes->{cpuid}->{$cpuid} ) ) {
          my $prid = $_ucodes->{cpuid}->{$cpuid};
          if ( exists( $_ucodes->{prid}->{$prid} ) ) {
-            $vars{AVAIL} = sprintf( "0x%08x", $_ucodes->{prid}->{$prid} ),
+            $vars{AVAIL} = sprintf( "0x%08x", $_ucodes->{prid}->{$prid} );
print STDERR "$LOGPREF #$info->{processor} found ucode $vars{AVAIL}\n" if ($debug);
              if ( $_ucodes->{prid}->{$prid} > $ucode ) {

Thanks for your new investigation, you were faster than me :)

I verified your patch, working also on my system now. I have filled #1029147 and will upload a fixed package to stable after I have got the approve from -release

Thanks for it!

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