Control: severity -1 important
Control: tags -1 +help

On Mon, 2023-01-23 at 11:04 -0500, Stuart Freeman wrote:
> Calling `xdg-screensaver activate` causes xss-lock to dump core.

Thank you for your report.

>From the logs it looks like xss-lock is actually hitting an assertion
which manifests in a core dump:

>     Jan 23 09:52:48 gamera xss-lock[8434]: Error getting session: 
> GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.login1.NoSessionForPID: Caller does not belong to 
> any known session.
>     Jan 23 09:53:05 gamera xss-lock[8434]: xss-lock: ./src/xss-lock.c:469: 
> logind_session_set_locked_hint: Assertion `logind_session' failed.

I've tried to repro but unfortunately I can't.

It seems like xss-lock is failing to talk to logind on your system. I'm
not sure why this would be, is it possible that logind on your system
is not running or is otherwise misconfigured? 

I launch xss-lock from .i3/config rather than the system unit which you
seem to be using, it's possible that's related? Perhaps the unit needs
to depend (requires?) on some other services for ordering (e.g. logind
or maybe dbus session which is used to talk to logind)? Some sort of
`Requires=dbus.service` type thing maybe?

Since I don't use this configuration and I'm not especially familiar
with system user units I have no good advice on how to do this, or how
to go about debugging, sorry.

Since it does not appear to be generally broken for everyone I have
downgraded the severity to important.

Thanks again,

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