Package: src:pypdf2 Severity: wishlist Control: affects -1 src:pypdf Control: clone -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11 Control: reassign -2 bookletimposer Control: reassign -3 kraft Control: reassign -4 krop Control: reassign -5 odoo-14 Control: reassign -6 orangeassassin Control: reassign -7 pdfposter Control: reassign -8 python3-xhtml2pdf Control: reassign -9 tryton-modules-stock-package-shipping-dpd Control: reassign -10 diffoscope Control: reassign -11 diffoscope-minimal Control: block -1 by -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 -11
As noted in, upstream for the PyPDF2 Python module has moved to the "pypdf" namespace. Correspondingly, there is a new python3-pypdf package in debian unstable. The packages listed above all currently depend on (or recommend) PyPDF2, but probably should move to the updated version. When all these bug reports are closed, we can consider removing the pypdf2 source package and python3-pypdf2 from debian. The migration should be relatively straightforward; much of the API remains the same, just under the "pypdf" module name instead of the "PyPDF2" module name. Where the API differs, the version of PyPDF2 currently in debian testing/unstable (2.12.1-3) emits a PendingDeprecationWarning wherever a piece of the API will break. For example: PendingDeprecationWarning: getObject is deprecated and will be removed in PyPDF2 3.0.0. Use get_object instead. (PyPDF2 version 3.x is basically a terminal version of PyPDF2, and pypdf takes over from 3.1.x onward; PyPDF2 version 3.x will not enter debian, as it is an API break from 2.x, and pypdf 3.x supercedes it) To transition a given package: - run tests with as complete coverage as possible and note the PendingDeprecation warnings - for each warning, patch the upstream line as recommended - ensure that the tests pass without PendingDeprecationWarnings - convert from "PyPDF2" to "pypdf" on any import or scoped reference in python - update dependency indicators in upstream metadata annotations (e.g. pyproject.toml, setup.cfg, etc) - update dependency indicators in debian packaging (from python3-pypdf2 to python3-pypdf). - run the tests again Please send any upstream fixes back upstream as well, of course! Regards, --dkg
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