Package: libgnome-desktop-4-2
Followup-For: Bug #1029821

Dear Maintainer,

As mentioned in Bug #984875, gnome-initial-setup's default choice of
input method is hardcoded in the dependent libgnome-desktop-4-2 package.
The Japanese one is anthy
preferred by upstream (Fedora/Red Hat) perhaps because its code base is
simple and easy to maintain, while this is not suitable for most Debian
Japanese users, who use mozc because of its better conversion quality,
thus task-japanese-gnome-desktop and task-japanese-desktop has preferred
mozc over anthy. So the hardcoded value should be adjusted for our

Attaching a patch to change the Japanese default to mozc.

Thanks in advance,

YOSHINO Yoshihito <>
Description: Use mozc as the default input source for Japanese
 Upstream prefers ibus-anthy for Japanese input, while Debian uses
 ibus-mozc as the default.
Author: YOSHINO Yoshihito <>
Origin: vendor
Forwarded: not-needed
Last-Update: 2023-01-28

Index: gnome-desktop-43.1/libgnome-desktop/default-input-sources.h
--- gnome-desktop-43.1.orig/libgnome-desktop/default-input-sources.h
+++ gnome-desktop-43.1/libgnome-desktop/default-input-sources.h
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ static DefaultInputSource default_input_
   { "hi_IN",    "ibus",         "m17n:hi:inscript" },
   { "id_ID",    "xkb",          "us" },
   { "it_IT",    "xkb",          "it" },
-  { "ja_JP",    "ibus",         "anthy" },
+  { "ja_JP",    "ibus",         "mozc-jp" },
   { "kn_IN",    "ibus",         "m17n:kn:kgp" },
   { "ko_KR",    "ibus",         "hangul" },
   { "mai_IN",   "ibus",         "m17n:mai:inscript" },

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