On Thu, 13 Oct 2022 11:45:25 +0800 Paul Wise <p...@debian.org> wrote:
> $ curl -s https://sourceforge.net/projects/zint/ | grep -i web.site | 
> html2markdown | tr -s '\n' ' '
> [Zint Barcode Generator Web Site](http://www.zint.org.uk/ "Zint Barcode 
> Generator Web Site")

This results in

[Zint Barcode Generator Web Site](https://zint.sourceforge.io "Zint Barcode 
Generator Web Site")

now. It seems upstream isn't sure about this, either.

Given https://www.zint.org.uk/ points to both SourceForge and the Github
mirror, plus some downstream projects, I would still consider this "better"
than the sf.io URL.

Should we ask upstream about this?


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