On Mon, Jan 30, 2023 at 12:16:52PM -0400, Stefano Rivera wrote:
> Hi Julian (2023.01.27_11:10:14_-0400)
> > python3-wrapt | python3 (<< 3.11), python3-wrapt | python3 (>> 3.11).
> > Since python3 will satisfy exactly one of python3 (>> 3.11) and
> > python3 (<< 3.11), this dependency can be simplified to just
> > python3-wrapt.
> FWIW, this comes from:
> dependencies = [
>     ...
>     "wrapt>=1.14,<2;python_version>='3.11'",
>     "wrapt>=1.11,<2;python_version<'3.11'",
>     ...
> ]
> But yes, it could be simplified.

Ah, that makes sense; the original dependencies meaningfully depend on
different versions of wrapt depending on the python version.

Best wishes,


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