On Mon, May 15, 2006 at 11:44 +0200, Frank Küster wrote:
> Ralf Stubner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > If I change on my real sytem /etc/texmf/texmf.d/05TeXMF.cnf in such a
> > way that TEXMFDIST is not definied and call 'dpkg-reconfigure
> > tex-common', this change is detected by the posinst script and a debconf
> > message appeares telling me that I should fix the defintion of
> > TEXMFDIST. For whatever reason I don't get this in my pbuilder. I have
> > only managed to have it exit with exit code 1 (ie failure). But this
> > deconf message telling me what is wrong never appeared.
> Usually pbuilder sets DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive in its chroots.
> Have you changed that?

Thanks Frank, that was what I was looking for but failed to find. If I
unset DEBIAN_FRONTEND before installing tex-common in my pbuilder, I get
a warning message via debconf that my configuration is broken. Nice :-)

Liam, do you have a setting like this? If yes, then it is clear why the
postinst could not inform you about your non-working configuration and I
would suggest to close this bug.

BTW, with unset DEBIAN_FRONTEND I also get the question about managing
the font cache. Contrary to the displayed text, the default is to manage
the cache with debconf which gives directories which are not world
writeable. :-(


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