Package: adduser
Version: 3.131
Severity: minor

During the update of the German programme and man page translations
various issues have been discovered. You can find them by searching
for the string FIXME in the respective de.po files.

As discussed earlier, this bug will be handled in three steps:

1. I implement those corrections which can be easily "unfuzzied" in
   translations, e.g. missing markup. 

   This will happen in the translation branch and feel free to undo
   any change you feel uncomfortable with.

   In this course I will remove those FIXMEs in de.po, which are dealt

2. I will update all translations and unfuzzy those changes, including
   those translations still coming in (if any)

Please ping me before your next upload(s) (if possible before a
weekend), so that I can ensure step 2 is done for all translations.

3. After the release of bookworm, you can review the remaining FIXMEs 
   and implement them as appropriate in the further developement of 
   adduser. Once done, this bug can be closed. Updates to the
   translations will (and have to be) done by the respective

      Dr. Helge Kreutzmann           
        64bit GNU powered                     gpg signed mail preferred
           Help keep free software "libre":

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