Dear Jochen,

> Oups, sorry. The attached patch against android-platform-tools fixes the
> issue for me.

Very appreciated!

I tried the patch in pbuilder and porterbox, and found the patch need
slight modify.
Enclosed is the patch confirmed working on my side.

BTW. The patch was already incorporated into

Thanks again for your kind help!

Description: Implement const_iterator::operator--
Forwarded: not-needed

Needed for
when compiling against libstdc++.
--- a/system/incremental_delivery/incfs/util/include/util/map_ptr.h
+++ b/system/incremental_delivery/incfs/util/include/util/map_ptr.h
@@ -180,6 +180,11 @@ public:
             return *this;
+        const const_iterator& operator--() {
+            safe_ptr_--;
+            return *this;
+        }
         const_iterator& operator+=(int n) {
             safe_ptr_ = safe_ptr_ + n;
             return *this;
@@ -321,6 +326,14 @@ public:
         return temp;
+    template <typename T1 = T, NotVoid<T1> = 0>
+    const map_ptr<T1> operator--(int) {
+        map_ptr<T1> temp = *this;
+        LIBINCFS_MAP_PTR_DEBUG_CODE(verified_ = false);
+        --ptr_;
+        return temp;
+    }
     template <typename S, typename T1 = T, NotVoid<T1> = 0>
     map_ptr<T1> operator+(const S n) const {
         return map_ptr<T1>(map_, ptr_ + n, verified_block_);

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