On Sun, Feb 12, 2023 at 09:32:55PM +0100, Stephen Kitt wrote:
> Given how late we are in the Bookworm release process, I’ve updated the
> package description to mention that the library is only fully functional on
> x86 architectures and ia64, but may be sufficient on others (for free42, it
> is, at least on ARM), and haven’t restricted the architectures. That doesn’t
> help on MIPS of course...
> Does libdfp work on MIPS? I got the impression it’s mainly supported on IBM
> platforms (POWER and S/390) but perhaps that’s outdated!
After having talked with the developer who has implemented the new
DFP-dependent features in libmongocrypt, it seems that portability
(beyond amd64, arm64, ppc64el, and s390x) was in view for him.  He did
look at libdfp and concluded that it has some benefits over Intel DFP,
but clearly building on MIPS family architectures is not achievable even
with libdfp.

As far as it being outdated, I am not certain but I think that upstream
might have gone away from tagged/versioned releases and more to a model
of "clone master and build from that".  In that sense, it wouldn't be
outdated, but the version in Debian would be about ~18 months out of
date by that measure.

In any event, upstream decided that rather than implement support for
libdfp they would implement a switch to enable/disable building with
Intel DFP (and thus the features that depend on it).  That will allow
for libmongocrypt to be able to build on all of the release
architectures for bookworm.  That new upstream release is due out today
or tomorrow.

The upstream CI gives sufficient coverage with testing that I am
confident in all the 64-bit non-MIPS arches and I would be surprised if
32-bit ARM were an issue given the fairly robust upstream tests.

In any event, thanks for leaving the architectures as they are for the


Roberto C. Sánchez

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