Am 15.02.2023 um 00:22 teilte Hilmar Preuße mit:

Hi Harald,

I'm building new packages, which do not depend on fonts-ebgaramond: the
fonts in there are not part of TL any more, so the dep is obsolete. I'll
hand them over for testing ASAP.

Here is the link:

It should be sufficient to replace package texlive-fonts-extra-links by
a new package.

1. You should be able to remove package fonts-ebgaramond after the
update. Please do so.

2. After removal you'll have two broken symlinks:


Please remove them manually, I'll remove them in final release of -2.

3. Run "mktexlsr" as user root.

4. Then try again to convert the document and report if that solves the
issue. Provide log files in any case.



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