Hi Lorenzo,

I saw you mail. Gradience could probably be maintained with the Debian GNOME 
team since it's somewhat related. There you could easily find someone to 
sponsor you upload. At the moment there is the debian freeze in place for the 
bookworm release, meaning no new packages will be uploaded. This doesn't mean 
you can't start working on the package.  For gradience to be distributed all 
dependencies have to be in debian. Looking at 
https://github.com/GradienceTeam/Gradience/blob/main/requirements.txt there 
might be some missing ones which in turn might need packaging first.
For an example of a gnome/gtk python app and the packaging you can take a look 
at https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/wike . Feel free to send me an email if 
any questions arise.

CC Jeremy: Looks like someone was faster ;)

Happy hacking,

Matthias Geiger (werdahias)

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